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About us

TISPA strives to bring together the Internet community to collectively make the internet accessible to as many Tanzanians as possible. They are the founders of the Dar-es-salaam Internet eXchange Point (commonly known as the TIX) based on the 13th Floor, Posta House in Dar-es-salaam and the co-founders of tzNIC.

What We Do

The purpose of the Association is to advance and protect the interests of the members while promoting the advancement of the Internet sector, promoting the accessibility and uptake of the Internet and contributing to the general national development agenda.

We aspire to bring together the Internet community to collectively make the Internet accessible to as many people as possible by encouraging the proliferation of Internet services in the sector, and have their effects be as positive as possible to the users and the country in general.

Our Mission

“To bring together the Internet community to collectively make the Internet accessible to as many people as possible by encouraging the proliferation of Internet services in the sector, and have their effects be as positive as possible to the users and the country in general”

Purpose of Association

The purpose of the Association is to advance and protect the interests of the members while promoting the advancement of the Internet sector, promoting the accessibility and uptake of the Internet and contributing to the general national development agenda.

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Apply for TISPA Membership

First Appointed Representative ( Preffereably Director )

Second Appointed Representative ( Any chosen Representative, possibly a Secretary )


We would hereby like to apply for membership to the Tanzania Internet Service Providers Association (TISPA). In doing so we have read and agree to abide by the constitution and any other by-laws of the association as well as settle our membership dues promptly at the beginning of each year. We understand that our membership needs to be approved before we consider ourselves as being members!

* means a required field